Thursday, October 7, 2010


For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

If you love God, God will love you back. If you make God happy, by treating people happily, peacefully and spiritually, that makes God happy.

God looks at what’s on the inside of somebody. And He also looks to see if you are treating other people like they are your family; peacefully, happily.

God never looks at what’s on the outside of people. He looks on the inside of people.

God is here. If God hadn’t have saved my life for a reason, I wouldn’t be here. God was there when I had my accident. He made sure my girls weren’t there and he saved me.

Julia Nicole Eldridge


  1. Very true!

    Kristen T.

  2. These meditations are absolutely beautiful, Julia!

  3. Julia you are such an inspiration to all of us.We love you so very much and you mean the world to all of us. Granny Papaw n Jason n your girls we love you Julia

  4. Hey sis I love your post. Every word you said is so true. You really are an inspiration to all who come in contact with you.You just keep getting better each day!I love you so much,you are my favorite sister LOL Jason
