Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stealthy Strike (Part 2/1)

Brahm knew it would be to his advantage to strike at night, so after his scout of the area, he was going to go ahead and strike. He could basically use his breath weapon 3 times a day without getting to a weaker state so he would sacrifice the element of surprise to go ahead and torch the thieves guild and then turn and blast the gathered soldiers. The newness of the building made it a little more flame retardant but there was no way it could withstand a full frontal breath blast from Brahm. It exploded into flames with humans and shadows alike crawling for their lives but they perished in the hellatious inferno. As the building was burning to a cinder he turned his head and struck first with a flying tail swipe then charred the remains with a breath of fire. With such a flagrant victory it made it not as sweet but the fact that he showed his might to the treacherous Amnese government and not to mention wiped out the thieves guild with one strike, did make it very sweet indeed. So it was that there was one more story to tell around the campfire of the tremendously powerful, black, evil dragon that must be from the pits of hell.

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